The MOU establishes a framework for collaboration on a range of environmental issues, such as climate change, air quality management, water quality management and waste management.
Many Indonesian environmental regulations have been inspired by US EPA regulations, which have served as an academic reference for Indonesian environmental regulations since the early 2000s.
The winner of the 2018 Stockholm Water Prize, often described as the Nobel Prize for water, Rittmann is a pioneer in the use of microorganisms for wastewater treatment.
The testing illustrates that residents on well water often don't know exactly what's in the water they're drinking, and they are given little guidance on maintenance as they alone are responsible.
Study examines remediation at a site that began in the 1990s, with groundwater monitoring since 2000, including measuring for PFAS and PFOS since 2015.
Slideshow: Operators pump a sea of “produced water” underground for disposal. Intensifying tremors raise fears that the deep toxic waste pits could intermingle with water used for farming and drinking.
Injection of wastewater from fracking troubles David Shifflett, a farmer who irrigates his crops and draws his drinking water from the ground, which has started to heave and bulge in recent years.
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services will provide a one-time rebate to private well users for up to $5,000 for the installation of PFAS treatment or up to $10,000 for a service connection to a public water system.
The rising need for organic and affordable methods of wastewater treatments on a small scale and large scale is fueling the growth of the global soil scape filter technology.
SWIFIA loans allow state infrastructure finance authorities to offer additional low-cost financing to communities and accelerate important water infrastructure projects.