The groundwater has been contaminated by Groundwater has been contaminated with lead, volatile organic compounds such as trichloroethylene, benzene, tetrachloroethylene, and PFAS.
It's rare for a federal agency to weigh in on the policy of another agency with public comments, but the USDA recently submitted one over listing PFOA and PFOS acids as hazardous substances.
The scientists also note that WHO did not disclose the names, affiliations, and potential conflicts-of-interest of those involved in the preparation or peer-review of the draft guidelines.
"Not only did we reduce PFAS concentrations by more than 99%, but we also applied it to the rinse water, reducing the airport's waste," says David Fleming, a founder of TRS.
The new standards require the investigation of the potential presence of these contaminants in soil at properties currently undergoing, or undertaking future, cleanup activities.
Slideshow: RemTEC and EC Summit show photographer Jon Phillips captures how attendees split their time between sessions and networking breaks on the show floor in Westminster, Colorado, on the last day of the show, Oct. 6.