Boston Chemical Data Corp recently showed Jana Elementary School in Florissant, Missouri, has radioactive isotope lead-210 levels 22-tims higher than expected on the kindergarten playground.
Administrator Regan and others discussed the progress made under the Clean Water Act and its amendments, transforming waters that were once polluted into boatable, fishable, and even swimmable treasures.
The project announced Wednesday is part of the Buffalo Sewer Authority's long-term plan to bring aging infrastructure into compliance with current standards.
The renewal of the STEEP initiative is broadly supported by an array of local leaders who share their perspectives on the effort to address PFAS pollution.
Priority #1: Reduction of lead exposure in the nation’s drinking water systems through infrastructure and treatment improvements. Priority #2: Reduction of children’s exposure to lead in drinking water in schools and child care facilities.
Immediate tests following the accidental spill of one gallon of styrene mixed in with around 50 gallons of steam condensate into a storm drain resulted in "relatively high" levels of contamination.
The beach at Leddy Park in Burlington, Vermont, is open to the public again after a styrene spill forced officials to close the area for cleanup three weeks ago.
Slideshow: RemTEC and EC Summit show photographer Jon Phillips captures how attendees split their time between sessions and networking breaks on the show floor in Westminster, Colorado, on the last day of the show, Oct. 6.