New work suggests Metarhizium could provide an inexpensive and efficient way to protect crops grown in polluted areas and remediate mercury-laden waterways.
The scientists also note that WHO did not disclose the names, affiliations, and potential conflicts-of-interest of those involved in the preparation or peer-review of the draft guidelines.
Research and regulatory attention to PFAS has grown dramatically in recent years, yet data about PFAS-contaminated sites are incomplete. Researchers recently proposed a “presumptive contamination” model to fill the gap.
Scientists at Staffordshire University are driving research to understand the scale of plastic pollution in agricultural soils and its impact around the world.
From creating green, re-engineered organisms to practical and useful chemistry without waste and organic solvents, this approach can help be broadly used in the field for various reactions.
Rather than fix the problems that Eveline Emmenegger raised, the WFRC management acted to prevent further reports as part of an escalating campaign against the scientist.
GreenFire leverages Battelle’s PFAS Annihilator to destroy firefighting foams, which contain high levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS.
3D printing technique offers a cost-effective, scalable and simple approach to creating tunable adsorbents for environmental remediation that can be used broadly by the community for environmental remediation and sensing applications.
“Our work demonstrates unique capabilities of green and sustainable materials to be additively manufactured and designed so that they have the ability to capture and remove toxic contaminants," says Professor Andreescu.