Scientists at EPFL and two other Swiss research institutes are conducting a study of the toxicity of tire-particle compounds and how readily they're absorbed by living organisms.
The groundwater has been contaminated by Groundwater has been contaminated with lead, volatile organic compounds such as trichloroethylene, benzene, tetrachloroethylene, and PFAS.
As malware and ransomware become ubiquitous, smaller environmental services companies can find themselves in the crosshairs of hackers. Here's how to stay protected.
Currently, the best way for scientists to isolate a specific microbe with a particular metabolic function from an environment is to take a sample of cells, culture them, and then screen them for the desired cell functions. This method has several limitations.
New work suggests Metarhizium could provide an inexpensive and efficient way to protect crops grown in polluted areas and remediate mercury-laden waterways.
The scientists also note that WHO did not disclose the names, affiliations, and potential conflicts-of-interest of those involved in the preparation or peer-review of the draft guidelines.
Research and regulatory attention to PFAS has grown dramatically in recent years, yet data about PFAS-contaminated sites are incomplete. Researchers recently proposed a “presumptive contamination” model to fill the gap.