It is imperative to identify and remediate the source zones as quickly and effectively as possible, using methods that do not generate large capital expenditures, greenhouse gas emissions, and PFAS-laden wastes.
The project announced Wednesday is part of the Buffalo Sewer Authority's long-term plan to bring aging infrastructure into compliance with current standards.
Researchers say: "Daphnia is a tiny crustacean the size of a grain of rice and are often-overlooked. Yet they are super abundant and can revolutionize the way we assess and mitigate chemical pollution sustainably."
Immediate tests following the accidental spill of one gallon of styrene mixed in with around 50 gallons of steam condensate into a storm drain resulted in "relatively high" levels of contamination.
The beach at Leddy Park in Burlington, Vermont, is open to the public again after a styrene spill forced officials to close the area for cleanup three weeks ago.
North Carolina Stop GenX in our Water President Beth Markesino says the announcement that no PFAS compounds currently being detected in treated water is “an immense victory for New Hanover residents.”
Pilot-scale tests confirm the effectiveness of treatments for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, speakers say. But questions about prioritization, cost performance and comparisons linger.
Plan consists of a combination of in situ chemical injections, soil mixing, engineering practices, institutional controls and long-term monitoring to address soil, groundwater and surface water contamination.