Currently, the best way for scientists to isolate a specific microbe with a particular metabolic function from an environment is to take a sample of cells, culture them, and then screen them for the desired cell functions. This method has several limitations.
New work suggests Metarhizium could provide an inexpensive and efficient way to protect crops grown in polluted areas and remediate mercury-laden waterways.
Research and regulatory attention to PFAS has grown dramatically in recent years, yet data about PFAS-contaminated sites are incomplete. Researchers recently proposed a “presumptive contamination” model to fill the gap.
The city of Decatur, IL has included planting acres of industrial hemp for soil remediation and erosion control as part of its water quality improvement plan.
It is imperative to identify and remediate the source zones as quickly and effectively as possible, using methods that do not generate large capital expenditures, greenhouse gas emissions, and PFAS-laden wastes.
The project announced Wednesday is part of the Buffalo Sewer Authority's long-term plan to bring aging infrastructure into compliance with current standards.
Researchers say: "Daphnia is a tiny crustacean the size of a grain of rice and are often-overlooked. Yet they are super abundant and can revolutionize the way we assess and mitigate chemical pollution sustainably."