The city of Decatur, IL has included planting acres of industrial hemp for soil remediation and erosion control as part of its water quality improvement plan.
Rather than fix the problems that Eveline Emmenegger raised, the WFRC management acted to prevent further reports as part of an escalating campaign against the scientist.
Boston Chemical Data Corp recently showed Jana Elementary School in Florissant, Missouri, has radioactive isotope lead-210 levels 22-tims higher than expected on the kindergarten playground.
The new standards require the investigation of the potential presence of these contaminants in soil at properties currently undergoing, or undertaking future, cleanup activities.
Shell Pipeline Company has agreed to pay a $670,000 civil penalty. Of the total payment to DEP, $479,464 will go into the commonwealth’s Clean Water Fund and $211,875 will go into the Encroachments Fund.
The aggregate cash consideration payable in connection with the Acquisition is approximately US$1.801 billion (approximately C$2.40 billion), subject to adjustments.