The groundwater has been contaminated by Groundwater has been contaminated with lead, volatile organic compounds such as trichloroethylene, benzene, tetrachloroethylene, and PFAS.
It's rare for a federal agency to weigh in on the policy of another agency with public comments, but the USDA recently submitted one over listing PFOA and PFOS acids as hazardous substances.
Excerpt from Pretty Good House: A Guide to Better Homes shows how a new home became a refuge from unhealthy building materials and other environmental hazards.
The following case study focuses on one new home in Maine. It was designed as a refuge from
unhealthy building materials and other environmental hazards.
The scientists also note that WHO did not disclose the names, affiliations, and potential conflicts-of-interest of those involved in the preparation or peer-review of the draft guidelines.
The National Wildlife Federation assembles a report laying out how reclaiming degraded lands won't just help the local environment and wildlife — it will help the climate too.
Scientists at Staffordshire University are driving research to understand the scale of plastic pollution in agricultural soils and its impact around the world.
Scientists from Newcastle University and Flinders University have now been able to measure how millions of tiny plastic particles potentially come off during cooking and in the wash as non-stick pots and pans gradually lose their coating.
From creating green, re-engineered organisms to practical and useful chemistry without waste and organic solvents, this approach can help be broadly used in the field for various reactions.