CEH and PEER responded to nine significant new use notices (SNUNs) filed by Inhance Technologies by calling on the EPA to ban the process that creates per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
By optimizing the ratio of boron nitride to PFAS, the team almost completely removed the fluorine atoms from PFAS in four hours at ambient temperature and pressure.
Future work will focus on developing new multifunctional framework materials and scaling up the process of embedding the metal-organic coatings into fabric, Mirica says.
The production of these reactive oxygen species from nanoplastics can endanger marine life and human health and potentially affects the mobility of the nanoplastics in the environment via redox reactions.
Researchers investigate PFAS levels in Sarasota Bay dolphins, who like humans, eat fish contaminated by plastic. Here's how their NIEHS project is progressing.
VLS Environmental Solutions has acquired Texas Molecular, one of the largest independent providers of industrial waste sequestration services in the United States.