The global demand for environmental technology solutions is being driven by the growing emphasis on environmental sustainability, strict rules on pollution management, and the need to combat climate change.
Continuing research in bushfire-affected areas in rural Victoria has shown that the antennae of diverse insects, including bees, wasps, moths, and species of flies, are contaminated by smoke particles.
Laconic will upgrade the current USMC surf characterization methods with a state-of-the-art automated software and hardware maritime environmental monitoring system that can identify, measure and quantify risk variables at scale and speed.
Future work will focus on developing new multifunctional framework materials and scaling up the process of embedding the metal-organic coatings into fabric, Mirica says.
On Dec 21, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $2,497,134 in research funding for 25 small businesses to develop technologies that address some of our most pressing environmental problems.