Engineer & Hydrogeochemist
Mr. Todd Martin is a professional engineer and a hydrogeochemist. He has 26 years of experience, specializing in environmental engineering, chemical transport and fate, and remediation alternatives analysis. Mr. Martin’s background encompasses aqueous and soil geochemistry, hydrogeology, hydrodynamics and sediment transport, and engineering design and cost analysis. Mr. Martin emphasizes the development of detailed conceptual site models and the application of innovative empirical and modeling strategies to understand the processes that drive site risks, and to support the development of cost-effective alternatives to address risks in a manner consistent with his clients’ strategies for long-term site management.
Innovative Optical Methods for Characterization of Chemical Dynamics
Contaminants such as mercury and PCBs accumulated in aquatic environments pose potential risks to humans and wildlife. Mitigation within dynamic aquatic settings, such as rivers and estuaries, requires a thorough understanding of the processes that drive contaminant transport and lead to exposure. Traditional monitoring techniques often do not supply a robust characterization of key processes and can hinder site management decisions. Integral’s OPTically based In-situ Characterization System (OPTICS) characterizes particulate and dissolved contaminant concentrations in surface water at an unprecedented temporal resolution, thereby enabling exploration of contaminant dynamics in the context of physical processes. Integral presents two case studies where continuous OPTICS data were used to assess biogeochemical and physical variability to understand contaminant transport mechanisms and mass flux—providing critical context for understanding current and future site risks and supporting remedial action analysis.