RemTEC Summit
John Gomez

John Gomez

Environmental Engineer
Oneida ESC Group

John Gomez is an environmental engineer working with ONEIDA’s the Environmental Restoration Group in Ventura, CA. John has a degree in engineering science, specializing in manufacturing and mechanical engineering, from Stony Brook University in New York and a master’s in environmental engineering from UCLA. John has been engaged in several remediation projects that involved both soil and groundwater impacted by chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbon compounds. He has been an integral part of the remediation team providing support to the design and operation of soil vapor extraction (SVE), high vacuum dual phase extraction (HVDPE), in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), and enhanced in-situ biological projects (EISB) at private-party and CERCLA sites in California. Notably, John has taken a leadership role in pilot testing Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) at a large (33 acres) light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) plume at a former fuel dispensing facility. His role has been to design, interpret and analyze NSZD data clearly demonstrating biological degradation of the LNAPL and solidifying natural attenuation as part of the remedial solution for the site.