Major west coast airport cleans out firefighting vehicle PFAS
TRS Group reduces PFAS concentrations by more than 99.9%.
Using PerfluorAd, the TRS Group recently completed a cleanout of a firefighting vehicle at a major West Coast airport, reducing PFAS concentrations by more than 99.9%.
"PerfluorAd continues to provide outstanding results," says David Fleming, a founder of TRS. "Not only did we reduce PFAS concentrations by more than 99%, but we also applied it to the rinse water, reducing the airport's waste."
TRS is the North American licensee of the patented PerfluorAd® technology, developed by Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH, to clean out fire-suppression systems impacted by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) found in aqueous film forming foams (AFFF). Often called "forever chemicals" due to their persistence in the environment, PFAS are notoriously difficult to remediate.
- Remove residual AFFF and reduce PFOA and PFOS to 2 ng/l or less
- Dispose of liquid waste in the onsite wastewater treatment plant non-detect (ND) discharge limit(detection limit 2 ng/l)
- Compare triple freshwater rinse to PerfluorAd® Process
- Analyze PFAS rebound
Project characteristics
- Pierce Firefighting truck with a HUSKY 12 gpm Foam System
- 75 gallon onboard AFFF tank
- No PFOS detected from start
- Truck cleanout completed in four days
- Rebound testing after three days
- ND for 30 of 31 PFAS analytes
- 6:2 FTS concentration was 11.2 ng/l
- No rebound for PFOS, PFOA
- Incomplete PFAS removal from triple water rinse
- Waste generated:
- <8 gallons of PFAS sludge
- 400 lbs of spent LGAC
- <5,000 gallons of rinsate
- Clean wastewater disposed onsite in treatment plant