Pilot-scale tests confirm the effectiveness of treatments for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, speakers say. But questions about prioritization, cost performance and comparisons linger.
Investigating a region in southwest Pennsylvania with hydrocarbon extraction dating back to the early 1800s, small but statistically significant groundwater contamination hotspots were detected by researchers.
N3B investigates legacy sites from LANL’s Manhattan Project and Cold War operations and addresses environmental impacts resulting from these operations.
Scientists at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana University, the University of Toronto and the Green Science Policy Institute analyzed a variety of children's textiles in North America. Fluorine was detected in 65% of samples.
Forty U.S. senators signed a bipartisan letter to Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and White House officials urging increased funding for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) testing and remediation.
“Expanding and increasing the number of contaminated brownfield sites remediated, especially in the south and west suburbs, will help correct historical injustice,” says Director of the Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability Deborah Stone.