Hawai'i sits within the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, near the infamous Great Pacific Garbage Patch, making it a natural laboratory for studying plastic pollution solutions.
Both freshwater and brackish water diatoms show population declines when exposed to sucralose, with freshwater diatoms experiencing the most significant impact.
Currently, Sears Island is a recreation hub for Penobscot Bay as a popular destination for hiking, biking, fishing, birdwatching, and boating, as well as snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and other seasonal activities.
The stakes are high when it comes to road salts: compromised drinking water, shrinking aquatic habitats and long-term pollution from legacy salt stores in soil and groundwater requiring costly remediation.
Two chemicals caused a concentration-dependent effect on shrimps' sperm, resulting in a decline of up to 60% in sperm count of those exposed to elevated levels of the chemicals.
International group is concerned that focusing too greatly on cleanup approaches will create more environmental risk, and be a distraction from the key priorities of the Plastic Treaty negotiations.