The cleanup is funded through the $5.15 billion Tronox settlement reached in 2014, which allocated $1 billion specifically for remediating 50 uranium mines across the Navajo Nation.
Areas of focused groundwater discharge identified by the fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing surveys corresponded closely with areas of elevated electrical conductivity.
Boston Chemical Data Corp recently showed Jana Elementary School in Florissant, Missouri, has radioactive isotope lead-210 levels 22-tims higher than expected on the kindergarten playground.
Researchers from the University of Tsukuba find that soil decontamination efforts in Fukushima result in constant, high levels of suspended sediments and a rapid decline in radiocesium particles.
In a study published this month in Nature Sustainability, a research group led by the University of Tsukuba has revealed that although the initial effects of increased sediment load in rivers caused by the Fukushima decontamination efforts were unsustainable, several factors worked in the region's favor to reduce these effects.