For residents of Johnson County, the wait for federal assistance continues as local officials work to address what they describe as an unprecedented environmental disaster.
Approximately 20% of all pharmaceuticals now contain fluorine. While it enhances drug effectiveness by increasing persistence in the body, it also increases persistence in the environment.
Microbiology professor Mary Beth Leigh and the team found that planting grasses or adding fertilizer, or a combination of both, to a contaminated site had surprisingly persistent effects on the microbes associated with local vegetation.
On April 18 and 19, CNMI’s Inter-island Solid Waste Task Force (ISWTF) conducted a Zero Waste Visioning Workshop during which attendees reviewed recent collection and survey data, then discussed and identified solid waste management priorities.
EPA’s P2 program is voluntary and encourages stakeholders to seek innovative ways to prevent pollution from entering waste streams through a competitive grant process.
Even though PFAS levels are low, discussions around regulations which would prevent the use of biosolids on crops are taking place to prevent further accumulation.
Rather than labelling all biosolids as contaminated PFAS waste, the government’s new plan should ideally lay out ways to minimize damage done by forever chemicals in biosolids.
Coal-fired power plants discharge pollutants such as selenium, mercury, arsenic, nickel, bromide, chloride, and iodide, nutrient pollution, and total dissolved solids.
Areas of focused groundwater discharge identified by the fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing surveys corresponded closely with areas of elevated electrical conductivity.
Leachate is generated from the decomposition of waste and precipitation coming into contact with the landfilled material. The water leaches out chemicals from the waste, including Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS).